International Symposium: Social Justice and Support in Japan and Taiwan
International Symposium: Social Justice and Support in Japan and Taiwan
Date: 25 June (Wed), 2024 10:30-12:00
Venue: Conference Room, 2F, Human and Social Sciences Hall 3, Kanazawa University, Japan
- Reports from Kanazawa University Faculty, Japan 金沢大学からの報告
- MARUMOTO Yumiko, Support for the Vulnerable in Premodern Japan: The Case of the Kaga Clan 丸本由美子「前近代日本における困窮者扶助制度――加賀藩を例として――」
- KIMURA Takahiro, Which Aspects of Taxation do Japanese People Support? 木村高宏「日本人は税のどのような点に納得するのか?」
- MURAKAMI Hiroshi, Gender Balance in Corporate Boards of Japanese Companies 村上裕「日本の企業の取締役会におけるジェンダーバランス」
- Reports from Chung Yuan Christian University Faculty, Taiwan 中原大学からの報告
- LIN, Meng-Nan, Live Streaming of Court Hearings and Open Justice 林孟楠「裁判のネット中継と裁判の公開」
No registration required. Everyone is welcome to attend.